Wauw Pauw by Yoko Heilgers – Dutch For Discount

When peacock is born he is completely white. He has no colored feathers with big round eyes, like the other peacocks. Peacock wants to feather with eyes too! He goes in search of the zoo.
Wauw Pauw is an eye-catching, multi-colored picture book that allows children and large people to discover the animal world.
Yoko Heiligers is a visual artist and illustrator of children s books. Wauw Pauw is her fourth picture book. Earlier the picture books were published. Grote kleine potvis , Mama wat zit er op mijn kop en Draaf met mij .
Product details:
Recommended for ages 0-4 years.
Author: Yoko Heilgers.
Measurements: 1 x 28,7 x 21,7 cm.
Language: Dutch.
Pages: 38.
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